Hemp Root Balm

Our Hemp Root Balm is lovingly crafted by hand from New Zealand grown Organic Ingredients and Organic Coconut oil from our pacific neighbours.

Hemp Root Balm is used to soothe all kinds of aches and pains, rubbed on soles of feet to enhance sleep, used as a body/neck rub to reduce anxiety.

Hemp root balm can be used anywhere on the body and face.

The roots have been used for thousands of years in a healing role, and are only just being redescovered. More research is needed to discover how this works, and what else it can be used for.


Ingredients:Organic coconut oil, Hemp Root, Beeswax, Calendula flowers, Rosemary, Nasturtium, Moutere Ess Oil of Lavander.


We like to keep our prices low to keep our Hemp Root Balm accessible. From personal experience, we like to slather it on and want you to be able to do the same:

60gm: $15

120gm: $28

To order, please e-mail